Upcoming Parade & Travel info from Mr. Shaffer

Buckwheat Festival September 29th, 2023

Bring your uniforms to the Band room as you come into school. Be sure to have your band shoes, socks, hat and uniform. Students will wear their band shirt on the bus and under their uniforms. After you drop your uniform off, you will go to first period.


Load bus at 9:00 Time at Fair from 10:00-1:00; Uniforms 1:00 Parade 2:00 If you want to sign your student out, you must do so after the Band finishes the parade. If you are going to sign out a student other than your child, their parents must send a note to the school prior to Sept 28th. We should be back at school by 5:30-6:00 Students are required to stay on the fairgrounds during free time. They will need money for lunch, rides, and snacks or they may bring a lunch or ask Mr. Shaffer to have the school provide a lunch.


Meet at UHS in uniform with instruments out of case @5:00pm. we will perform at 6:05. Students will be dismissed to their parents after the show.

UHS HOMECOMING PARADE October 10th, 2023 on High street.